Photo by Distilled Studio


Maryjane Fahey, Creator

Why create Glorious Broads?

It was time. I've been germinating this Glorious Broads project for three decades — and now, I'm doing it. So there. I can't leave the house without meeting another Glorious Broad — literally. They fire me up. They make me look forward to the decades ahead with all they've shared: confidence, courage, grace, passion, sexiness, power, wisdom, worldliness, and wit. SAGES...not saints! And they're excellent drinking pals. 

I want to inspire women to say: I WANNA BE THAT BROAD — versus being petrified of the decades ahead.

I want to see fear-mongering about age become a thing of the past in my lifetime — let roaring into age prevail.

What makes a Glorious Broad?

1. She's funny.

2. She's had a few restarts over the years. Like eight. Maybe twelve. Who cares how many — she lands on her goddamned feet like the beautiful cat she is.

3. She doesn't care what the world may think about her except for her fellow glorious broads!

4. She likes her wrinkles. She likes her age. But don't put her in a box. Let's elevate all the bad bitches to revered queen status — that box will work just fine.