"And Just Like That"

Oy. As if the movies weren’t enough punishment …

“And Just Like That” … I tried to keep an open mind! Really. But I’m left dumbfounded. And pissed. Note: I adored the first seasons of SATC. Until it got desperate.

Let me rant with a few queries.

1. Why does Carrie hate her friends and their endless — and now sad — brunches? Her one-liners were funny first time around — now they just seem mean. Who the fuck would want a friend like Carrie? Not I sistuh.

2. Why the idiotic line from Miranda to Carrie that participating in a podcast and Instagram — she is “passing as young” — why is a podcast a foreign thing to these “media” and lawyer types working in the world? Where oh where have they been? And what kind of support is that to get from your bff (that again

3. Why did these women NOT know about the complete and perfect gender REINCARNATION that is happening in the world now? Why did they not know that making comments on black women’s hair is simply NOT OK … and the obvious racial tokenism DOUBLE NOT OK

4. Why did “they” make each and every one of them into DODDERING FOOLS????

I will tell you why.

Because, once again, getting older is portrayed as grim. As settling. As fucking sad. Nobody over 17 is having sex in this thing. And definitely not having ANY fun. No clue about navigating the world. Dinosaurs.

And yes, getting older does mean loss. But getting older also means learning to care MORE about the stuff that matters — not just accumulate more and more SHOES BITCHES.

The one advantage of all of this is Carrie's hothothot boss Che @therealsaramirez — hopefully soon to be lovers with Miranda. But there I go. Thinking they’ll be fun and MODERN. And, so far, this is none of that ….

So. I’m not finished yet. Only saw two. But while the stock of Peloton tumbles, I suspect my stock in this show will continue to take a DIVE…

This reboot makes me worship Broad City more than EVER. And the only Broad in the bunch — Samantha.

HOW ABOUT YOU??? Am I alone here?